Johnny Appleseed Day is celebrated annually on September 26, the Massachusetts nurseryman’s birthday anniversary. While this day is not a holiday, many schools and people in the U.S. celebrate "all things apples." Johnny Appleseed Day honors the legacy and life’s work of John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed. He was a pioneer who planted apple trees as he traveled by foot into the Midwest (at the time mainly consisting of wilderness) and prairie lands that foreshadowed the western expansion of the country. Our youngest learners joined the fun during the month of September.
Our TK, Kinder, and 1st graders used this opportunity to use apples to learn about history, math, science, and art. Students graphed their favorite apples, used apples to make some great paintings and hats, and used their senses to touch, smell, taste, and observe different apples. Our early TK students even made applesauce in class and got a chance to eat some! Students had lots of fun with these hands-on, cross-curricular learning activities and learned a little more about U.S. history along the way. Hats off to our wonderful teachers for all their hard work and planning and to our students for their focus and excitement during these activities!