Our Catholic identity is the core of learning at Saint Mary School. Students in 2nd grade prepare throughout the school year to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. Second graders prepare to receive these Holy Sacraments through daily religion classes, annual spiritual retreats, participation in weekly Masses, and other at-home activities designed to help parents support students in their faith formation. Students in grades 3-8 who have not received these Sacraments may participate in a year-long preparation program offered by the school. In addition to the above activities that occur in their respective grades, students participate in an additional class throughout the school year that is geared toward Sacramental preparation. The school and Parish also support students who have not been baptized so they can receive this Sacrament as well. We are proud of our students who continue to grow in their faith and who received these Sacraments recently. We also welcome into our Catholic Church our newly baptized students. God is good!