Service hours completed by parents/guardians help build community and help the school save money. For decades, research from around the world has shown that parents’ involvement in and engagement with their child’s education; including through parent-teacher conferences, parent-teacher organizations, school events, and at-home discussions about school, can lead to higher student achievement and better social-emotional outcomes. For these reasons, we value parental involvement at St. Mary School and have made it a requirement for all families. Parents can help during the school day, during events such as the Autumn Festival, 4th of July fireworks booth, or Book Fair, help teachers with special projects, and much more. Attending general PTO meetings also counts!
Requirements: 30 hours per year (approximately 3 hours a month). Parents must submit a service hour coupon for hours completed. Any service hours not completed will be charged at the rate of $20.00 per service hour. Read the full policy here.